Organization management

This document covers both Telia Sonera Touchpoint Statistics and Sonera VIP Reporting.

All information in this guide requires that the current user is logged in on an account with system administration rights.

Note that in Touchpoint Statistics and Sonera VIP Reporting the term customer refers to an organization in the target Telepo platform.

All organizations is automatically synchronized from Touchpoint and Sonera VIP and an organization shall never be added manually to the reporting system.

Activate or deactivate an organization

To activate or deactivate an organization go to System administration->Customers in the menu, you will then come to a page containing a list of all available organizations. The list will contain all active and inactive customers.

To activate or deactivate a customer, locate the customer in the list by using the free text filter if necessary. Once you located the correct customer click on the name to open the customer edit page.

Since all customer information is automatically imported into the system from the target Telepo platform, the only settings that shall be manually modified is the Activated check box that if checked sets the customer as active and the Feature set option that sets the package that the customer has bought.

Optionally the default timezone and default language for the customer can be modified if required. Note that users within this customer can change language per account.

To save the changes click on the Save and go back button at the top.

The customer is now either active or inactive and if this is the first time the customer is activated there are no users defined. To see how to create a user account see the section Add a user to a customer

If a customer is deactivated defined users within that customer still exists but they are not allowed to log in into the system. Any saved reports that are scheduled to be sent will not be created by the system for inactive customers.

Add a user to a customer

You can add users to a customer by going to Administration->Users in the menu. Make sure that you are working with the correct customer (in the image below the customer is named "Meridix Systems AB"). To add a new user click on the Add new user link, this will take you to the add user page.

On this page you need to supply the following information for the new user:

E-mail - The e-mail address of the user, this will be used both as the username during login into the system as well as target address for the initialization mail.

Name - The name on the user, usually this is the first and last name of the user but it can be any descriptive text.

Password and Send initialization request - Administrators can specify a password if needed but for new users this field shall be left empty and check the Send initialization request check box to tell the system to send an e-mail message with a link where the user can define their own personal password.

Timezone - The timezone that the user is located in, is used to display time stamps in the correct timezone for the user.

Administrator - If the user shall have administration rights within this customer (this is not the same as system administrator). A customer administrator can create additional users and view and edit saved reports for all users within that customer.

View all enabled - If the user shall have access to create reports on all numbers within the customer (User ids, ACD and Attendant groups etc) this setting should be selected. Otherwise all numbers that shall be available to the user must be explicitly granted. See the section Grant access to specific subscribers for more information.

Disable call specifications - Set this to true if the user shall not be allowed to view call specifications. Note that if the user gets Administrator rights the user can change this setting later on.

Feature set - If the user shall have a different (lower) feature set than the customer. This setting shall not be changed unless a particular user within a customer only shall have limited access to the system.

Visible modules - This setting is not used in the current release and is read only.

Language - The default language that user shall have in the user interface. Users can change the language for their own account on the My account page once logged in.

Once all these settings has been defined click on the Save changes.

After the new user is saved an e-mail is sent to the e-mail address specified for the user with instructions on how to create their own password.

When the user follows the link in the mail the following page will be presented were the user can specify their own personal password.

Edit an existing user

To edit an existing user go to Administration->Users in the menu and click on the username that you want to edit. Once done click on the Update button at the bottom of the page.

Delete an existing user

To edit an existing user go to Administration->Users in the menu and go to the tab Delete user.

Click on the Delete user button to delete the user. Note that this operation cannot be undone.

Resend the initialization request e-mail for a user

To resend the user initialization request e-mail go to Administration->Users in the menu and click on the username that you want to resend the initialization request to.

On the user edit page click on the Additional tab in the menu and click on the Send initialization request button.

On the Settings tab you can now see that the user has a pending initialization request. To resend it again click on the Resend link or invalidate the pending request by clicking on the Invalidate link.

If a pending initialization request is invalidated the link in the mail will no longer be valid and the user will be presented with a error message if trying to use it.

Log in as a specific user

During customer support it can be helpful to log in as the selected user to get the exact same view as the user. To prevent insecure password management (all passwords in the system is one way encrypted (and salted) they can never be restored to plain text) its not required to ask the user for their credentials to log in as a specific user.

To log in as a user go to Administration->Users in the menu and click on the username for the user you want to log in as.

On the user edit page click on the Additional tab in the menu and click on the Login as selected user button to log in as that user.

Since you now are logged in as that user you need to log out and log in again with you system administration account to perform other system administration tasks.

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