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Meridix CopyUtil is a tool used to copy files. A use is when we use the CDR data collected by Aastra TMG (formerly Netwise). Meridix CopyUtil copy files from the Aastra TMG collection folder folders to Meridix ftp FTP server in such a way that it is an exact copy recharged at each charging sessiona copy of any changes in the source file uploaded each run. The tool is designed so that the data that is uploaded can not be duplicated. Meridix CopyUtil runs as a windows service. Installation , installation of the service is done by using the command prompt as an administrator > type by typing "Meridix.CopyUtil.exe install". Uninstalling the service is just as easy just type  "Meridix.CopyUtil.exe uninstall". Start and stop the service in the same way by following the service name by the "verb"  start or stop 

Step-by-step guide


  1. Download from the specified FTP address obtained from Meridix systems
  2. Unzipp file to any folder of choise
  3. In the unzipped folder are a number of files of these are the two used in the installation, Meridix.CopyUtil.exe and Meridix.CopyUtil.exe.config. The first is to be installed as a service, and the latter is a configuration file that contains information for service
  4. Öppna konfigurationsfilen med en editor exempelvis notpad/Anteckningar
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  5. Konfigurationsfilen innehåller två sektioner som måste konfigureras
    Under folders måste en folder konfigureras för varje folder vars mätfiler ska ftp:as till Meridix ftp server. I name atributet anges ett unikt namn som skiljer denna folder från övriga foldrar. I source attributet anges sökvägen till den folder där mätfilerna som ska kopieras finns
    I oldestFileDate attributen anges datum på den äldsta fil som ska laddas upp. Meridix använder ofta en katalog fil som innehåller nummer, namn och grupptillhörighet denna används för att "namnge" anknytningarna i mätfilerna. Katalogfilen läses upp på samma sätt som mätfilerna, med dess folder innehåller endast attributen namn, source och catalogfolder som ska anges med true för att aktivera uppladdningen
  6. Under ftps anges endast en ftp med attributen ftpAddress, username ,password samt uppladningsintervallet i minuter (ftp uppgifterna fås från Meridix Systems)
  7. Spara filen
  8. Navigera ner till installationsfoldern med kommandoprompten ( som administratör)  >MeridixCopyUtil.exe install
  9. Starta tjänsten MeridixCopyUtil.exe start



  1. Open Meridix.CopyUtil.exe.config configuration file with an editor such as Notepad
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  2. The configuration file contains two sections that must be configured.
    The folders have a folder node configured for each folder whose measurement files will be copied to Meridix ftp server. The name atribute must be an unique name to distinguish this folder from other folders. The source attribute specifies the path to the folder where the log files exist.The oldestFileDate attributes date dictates the oldest file to be uploaded. Meridix often use a catalog file that contains numbers, names and group membership, this is used to 'name' extensions . Catalog file is read and uploaded in the same way as log files. It's folder only contains the attributes name, source and catalogfolder. The attribute catalogfolder need to be set to true to enable the upload.

  3. Under ftps only one ftp node can be added. The ftp nodes attributes are ftpAddress, username, password and uploadingIntervallInMinutes (The ftp login data is obtained from Meridix Systems)
  4. Save the file
  5. Navigate down to the installation folder using the command prompt (as administrator) and type > MeridixCopyUtil.exe install
  6. Start the service by typing MeridixCopyUtil.exe start