Denna steg-för-steg guide ska hjälpa slutanvändare att skapa och configurerar sina egna personliga dashboards
Table of Contents |
Användaren behöver ha tillgång till dashboard funktionen som en del av det kommersiella paket som de har.
Dashboard templates
- Firsta gången du öppnar dashboard så kommer ett template laddas eller så kommer en nya dashboard att skapas om någon template inte har configurerats.
- För att se all tillgängliga dashboards inklusive templates så kan du klicka på Gå till dashboard-listan
- Skapa ny kommer att skapa en ny personlig dashboard till dig
- Skapa ny från standardtemplate kommer att skapa en ny dashboard baserad på det standardtemplate som finns configurerat
- Click Set as default will make the dashboard the starting dashboard when you enter the system
- Whenever you edit a template you will be prompted to either copy or change the dashboard
- If you create a copy the template will remain in the dashboard list and a new dashboard will be added.
Create a new dashboard
- When creating a new dashboard some preconfigured layouts can be used for quick setup
- As an example clicking 2 x 3 will generate a dashboard with two rows and three widgets in each row
- The dashboard can later be reconfigured based on your personal preferences
Create widget
- Click the Add content button to add a new widget to your dashboard
- You can create a widget from any of your modules or from external sources
- Images and icons can be added as well as any Iframe content (found in Advanced)
- The specific options are different for each type of widget and can later be reconfigured
Delete widget
- To delete a widget click the trashcan icon at the top right corner of the widget
Customize widget size and position
- Click the pen icon in the top right corner of a widget to edit its size and position
- Click and hold at the center of a widget to move it to a new position
- The bottom right icons are used to resize the widget
- The three circles are used to add a row in the dashboard
- The toolbar at the bottom is great for aligning widgets and making them the same size
Customize widget content and settings
Child pages (Children Display) |