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Statistics Extended

Statistics Extended allow users to create reports in different result groupings. All other functionality is the same regardless of the current report grouping and the content of this guide is applicable for reports in all result groupings.

Extended rapport grupperad med Total grupperingen

A Total-grouped Extended rapport.
Presents the result summarized as a total row for all targets per interval.
A Subscriber-grouped Extended report
Presents the result as one row per target and interval.

The built in help function

Touchpoint Statistics has a built in help function that gives users easy access to help resources from within the system. By clicking on any of the info icons spread throughout the system a popup will be displayed with information about that particular feature.

Some of the help information is presented as inline content in the user interface.


Create an report with Statistics Extended

Open Statistics Extended

Go to the Statistics Extended section in Touchpoint Statistics through the start page or through the menu.

Select report parameters

When you enter the Statistics Extended page for the first time you will be presented with the following options.

Start by selecting which period the report should cover and which weekdays that shall be included (From-To tab). Click on the calendar icons to the right of the dates to open a calendar where the dates can be selected. If you want to select a non sequential combination of dates this can be done in the Special tab.

Select what hours during the day(s) that the report shall include.

Select which interval grouping the report initially shall be presented in. The interval grouping can also be changed later once the report has been created. 

Select what time format that time values such as call duration should be presented in. The default is hhmmss (hours:minuts:seconds)
Under the additional tab you have the option to change the interval block length for the time grouping, the default time block value is 30 minutes.  

Select the type of report (Report tab) that you want to create. See the section Report types for more information about the available reports.

Select the result grouping that the report should be created in. See examples of the different result grouping options earlier in this guide.

Click on the icon in the Report targets tab to select the targets for the report (i.e. the numbers it shall include information about).

Select report targets

Under the report target tab allows you to select which numbers that the report should include. The available targets depends on the type of report selected in the previous step. If a User is report was selected this tab will only contains targets of the type User id

Select one or multiple targets by checking the check box to the left of the objects. If you want to select all you can use the check box at the top.

If there is a large number of objects in the list the filter text box can be used to narrow down the visible objects. When you start typing your filter criteria in the text box the result will automatically hide all objects that does not match your filter criteria. Note that selected objects are always visible even if the do not match the current filter text.

Once one or multiple targets gas been selected (checked) a Create report button will be visible to the right. Click on it to create the report. 

The report is now being created. Depending on how long period, how many targets that is included and the number of calls in the report it can take only a couple of seconds or up to a couple of minutes to create a report. If the report takes longer then a few seconds to create a loading page will be shown that displays the progress. Once the report creation process is completed by the system the report is automatically loaded in the user interface. 

Work with a loaded report

When a report has been created it will be loaded in the user interface and additional options will become available in the menu. By default the interval groupings tab will become visible and can be used to change the loaded reports interval grouping. The initial interval grouping used is based on the selection made before the report was created.

The available interval groupings depends on the report period. Shorter periods that for example does not span multiple months does not present the Year and month interval grouping alternative.

The report is presented both as charts and as a spreadsheet. Some of the reports has more columns than what is possible to display on the screen at once and you may therefore need to scroll horizontally to see them all
By hovering or clicking on the column names in the charts or in the spreadsheet header row a column description containing information about the content of that column will be displayed. This feature is available for all columns presented in the system.

When the report was loaded in the user interface additional options became available in the menu. This section describes these different options.

Visible columns

Under the columns tab is possible to select what columns that the report shall contain. By clinking on the links at the bottom one of the predefined column combinations can be set and the modified further before being applied to the report. Once the desired combination is set the changes will be reflected on the loaded report by clicking on the Update visible columns button.

Create a saved report - (Subscription report)

When a report has been created and customized it is possible to save it as a subscription report (template report) that can be created and sent to one or several e-mail addresses by the system automatically.

Under the Save report tab a name and receivers can be defined as well as the desired schedule for when the report should be sent and what period it should contain once it is sent. Its also possible to create an inactive report that is not sent automatically but can be created manually later on with the current report settings.

The schedule at which the saved report shall be sent can be set to a wide range of combinations for example The first day of every

Sedan väljer man när rapporten ska skickas, följt av vilken period rapporten ska innehålla när den skickas t.ex. Första dagen varje månad klockan 08:00 med Föregående månad.
Man kan också välja vilken rapportgruppering och intervallgruppering som rapporten ska använda när den skickas.

Information om de olika utskicksalternativen hittar du på följande sidor:

Det sista steget är att ange vilket format man vill att rapporten ska skickas i, beroende på valt format (t.ex. Excel 2010/2013) så får man olika alternativ gällande innehållet. Vissa format t.ex. Excel har stöd för flera intervallgrupperingar som då kan markeras. I Excel presenteras varje vald intervallgruppering på ett eget blad i Excel dokumentet.

För att spara klickar man på Spara knappen längst ner till vänster. Man kommer då till en editeringssida för den sparade rapporten där man har möjlighet att skapa ytterligare utskicks tillfällen mm. Se sidan Hantera sparade rapporter för mer information om hur man jobbar med sparade rapporter.

Exportera en rapport till Excel

För att exportera en skapad rapport till t.ex. Excel går man till fliken Exportera. Man kan välja att spara rapporten som en fil direkt ifrån webbläsaren eller att låta systemet skicka rapporten som en fil direkt till en eller flera e-postadresser.

En exporterad rapport innehåller samma kolumner som var synliga i användargränssnittet. Om flera intervallgrupperingar valts innehåller exporten en flik för varje val.

Även i Excel exporten har användaren möjlighet att genom att hålla musen över kolumnnamnet visa en beskrivning.

Visa information om rapporten

Fliken Information om rapporten innehåller information om den laddade rapporten och dess innehåll.

Visa en samtalsspecifikation

Genom att gå till fliken Samtalsspecifikation kan man öppna samtalsspecifikationsvyn. Av prestandaskäl visas inte samtalsspecifikationen om den skapade rapporten innehåller mer än 3000 samtal (inkommande och utgående summerat). Om den övre gränsen överskrids dela upp rapporten i mindre perioder för att få tillgång till samtalsspecifikationen.

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