Meridix Studio has support for branding/theming through a Theme provider pipeline.
The following parts of the system can be customized to give your Meridix installation a different look and feel
- Logotypes
- Fonts
- UI colors
- Icons
- Page sections/containers
- Menus (only apperance not content)
- Report chart colors
- XLSX / XLS exported charts colors
- XLSX / XLS Call specification export
- Module names (multi language support)
- Report names (multi language support)
- Subscriber type names (multi language support)
- Link URLs (e.g. support link)
- Help section iFrame content
The login page is fully customizable where the complete page can be changed to match your companys profile.
Getting started
A theme in Meridix studio is a set of files (css, images, scripts) that is contained in a directory with a specific structure (see below). There is a default theme folder that the systems uses in no other theme is defined. If a custom theme is defined but a requiered resource is not included the system fallback on the default theme resource. This means that you can choose to only include the resources that you have changed in the theme structure.
The custom themes should be created in the defined structure (its recommended to use the default theme as a template) and then zipped (GZIP) into a compressed file with the name where ThemeName is the name of the Theme.
During creation of a new theme it can be beneficial to disable the following resource features; minification, client caching and gzipping the content before sending to clients. This can be done by naming the theme with the following suffixes.
- or a combination ex:
This will prevent Meridix Studio from using performance optimzation features dureing development of a new theme.