
Requirement: Dstny Analytics 5.4.0. or later.

From this guide, you will learn how to set up a fully anonymized customer in Dstny Analytics. The customer can be used in demos and training sessions since no names or numbers are identifiable as actual persons or companies.

Before you begin

Decide which existing customer is best suited to use as a call data source for the demo customer. Ideally, it should have a few ACD groups with more than average calls.

Take note of the Customer Id of the customer you choose as a call data source. You will find the Customer Id on the customer settings page.

Optional: If the platform has very few customers, this platform CLI command can be used to estimate which customers have a sufficient number of measurement objects:


Create “The Company” demo customer

Important: Make sure you are in the context of the template customer before running the command described below

Run this command in the platform CLI. Switch out the XXXX at the end with the Customer Id of the template customer:

ExecuteModuleCommand -m TelepoBcs -c GenerateDemoCustomer -i XXXX

Verify the result

In the customer list, you should now find a customer called The Company:

You can rename the customer or change the description to differentiate multiple demo customers.

The measurement objects (agents, attendant groups etc.) will have fictional names, and the users will be grouped hierarchically under two different cities with fictional departments.

The reports will be based on actual data, but since it is fully anonymized, it can be used for demos and training sessions:

From an administrative point of view, the demo customer works as any other customer in Dstny Analytics. You can create users under it to provide access to sales staff or even potential end customers.

Delete a Demo customer

Important: Make sure that you are NOT in the context of the customer you want to remove before running the command described below

Run this command in the platform CLI to remove any customer. Please double-check that you got the Customer Id correct before running it. Switch out the XXXX part with the Customer Id of the customer you want to delete. You must also include your own user id in the command as a safety measure.

The deletion can not be reversed, so make sure the Customer Id is the correct one

DeleteCustomer -i XXXX -v youruser@yourdomain.com