Grant a Reseller manager rights to a user
How to grant a reseller manager rights to a user
We explained in the previous page, Grant system-level rights to a user the difference between administrator and System administrator, in this article, we are going to explain how to grant Reseller Manager rights to a user.
A reseller manager's role is to manage all customers under the same reseller as the customer they belong to but do not have access to edit system-wide settings. Still, reseller manager can activate/deactivate their customers and edit customer's settings.
In case you make one of the customers as a reseller, and you need for this reseller to see all the customers under this reseller, then you need to grant a Reseller Manager/ Återförsäljarförvaltare rights to the reseller's user by doing the following steps:
1. Go to the Customers>Customer list and choose the Customer which you promote as a reseller
2.Click on the Users/Användare which you want her/him to see the reseller's customers
3. Click on Additional/Övrigt as in the picture below:
4. Grant the user Reseller Manager/ Återförsäljarförvaltare rights as in the picture below:
5. Go back to Settings/inställningar and click on Update/Uppdatera to save the changes.
Now the reseller's user able to see the other customers.
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