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The purpose of this article is to guide you through the installation of the Meridix system.

It's recommended to use the conventions below for consistency if possible.


Meridix Web Application, Meridix Studio Service, Meridix Backend services needs to be installed on a Windows Server 2012 or later with .NET Framework 4.5.2 installed o r later. The recommended minimum hardware is 4 CPU Cores and 8 GB RAM. The server needs to have network access to the Microsoft SQL Server-which hosts the system database and CDRs database.

Meridix Databases needs to be hosted on a Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or later (Express, Web, Standard or Enterprise edition).

The recommended hardware is 4 CPU Cores and 16 GB RAM for Microsoft SQL Server.

Install a new system

You need to decide the hosting servers (Web Server, Database Server, and Application Server) before you start with the following steps:


Request Meridix Studio ( or MSI build, and from


Make sure the content of the folders and are extracted to (drive):\meridix\dist\.


Create an empty database named meridix_sys on the MSSQL server that should host the MXSDB (Meridix Studio Database).

  1. Create a SQL Server Authentication login and user with db_owner rights on the meridix_studio database. If it is an Azure Database then check the Appendix on how to create the user for Azure SQL Database. Ask under which database pool/ database server will host this database.

    Note: The password for database users should not include the following characters: (<, >,&,",')


Request meridix_data.dacpac master version from

  1. Create an empty database named meridix_data on the MSSQL server that should host MXDDB.

  2. Meridix_data> tasks> Register as data-tier application

  3. Meridix_data database > tasks > Upgrade Data-tier application > meridix_data.dacpac

  4. Create a SQL Server Authentication login and user with db_owner rights on the meridix_data database.


On Web hosting server, Windows Server 2019 or earlier install Microsoft .NET 4.7 or later ( On Windows Server 2016 or later .NET 4.7+ is already installed.


Install Internet Informations Service (IIS) with the Web Server (IIS) - Role 

  1. Make sure ASP.NET 4.5/4.6 Feature is installed. 


Install IIS Web Deploy 3.5 or later (included in the (drive):\meridix\dist\ folder or


Create a folder with the customer name and other two folders beneath the customer folder with the following names: meridixstudiomeridixstudio_service 


Create an IIS Site (or reconfigure the default) 

  1. Set the site name to Meridix (can be named differently)

  2. Set the physical path to (drive):\customer folder\meridixstudio

  3. Bind it to port 80 (or any other port) and port 443 and assign the right SSL certificate. Mandatory to check on Require Server Name Indication if you have different SSL wildcards installed .

    Image Removed

  4. In the hostname section, you write the full domain name provided by the customer Ex. (you need to ask the customer to point the domain name to our web-hosting server) or add it as our subdomain Ex. (ask to add the domain name and server name in DNS portal) 

    Image Removed

    Note : If the customer needs to add their own domain then always ask the customer point external domain eg to that points to or IP etc.

    So that we can move them to another server without them having to change their DNS.


Unzip the file (drive):\meridix\dist\ into a folder on the server called (drive):\meridix\dist\_webdeploypackage.

Create a BAT file (drive):\meridix\dist\deploy_webpackage.bat and edit it with a text editor (e.g. Notepad++/Notepad)

Add the following command

Code Block
"F:\PATH_HERE\meridix_studio_webdeploy.deploy.cmd" /Y -enableRule:DoNotDeleteRule "-setParam:name='IIS Web Application Name',value='NAME_HERE'"


Replace the placeholder PATH_HERE with the full rooted path to the (drive):\meridix\dist\_webdeploypackage folder created in the previous step.


Replace the placeholder NAME_HERE with the IIS Site name (default: Meridix) created in step 9.a.


Save the updated bat file.


Execute the the bat file with administrator rights (right-click and click Run as administrator)

Open the web application folder (defined in step 9.b)


Open the web application folder (defined in step 9.b)


Rename the file basic.config to basic.config

Open basic.config in a text editor and change the following settings"

  1. Change the connection string to target the meridix_sys database created in step 3 using the SQL Server Authentication login created in step 3.a. 

    Code Block
    server=localhost;database=meridix_sys;integrated security=false;user id=meridix;password=meridix;
  2. Define a unique application id (Meridix.Studio.Application.Id) - Can be any value but should be system unique e.g. companyX.reporting etc.

  3. Set the desired module name (See available modules in the Appendix) as the value for the key Meridix.Studio.Enabled.Exchanges.

  4. Add another connection string to the Data DB  that should be used as the report data source.

  5. Code Block
    <add key="exchange.ModuleName.connectionstring" value="Server=SERVER,PORT; Database=DATABASE; Integrated security=False; User id=USER; Password=PASSWORD;" />
    Image Removed


Open a web browser and browse to the site created in step 9.

  1. The first time the application is started it might take a couple of minutes before it loads due to internal initialization operations, database schema updates, etc.

  2. If everything works as expected a login page will be loaded - Log in with the default credentials U: and P: ppn
    If you get an error message open the (drive):\meridix\webapp\App_Data\Logs folder under the web application folder and review the logs for more information about the error and contact if you have any questions.


Once logged in the system must be custom branded which is achieved by applying the default theme package or customer-specific theme.

  1. Read more on custom themes in the following link:

    Branding and theming  

  2. Request the latest Telepo Theme from

  3. Upload the theme package to the website by navigating to system administration → Theme settings.

  4. Change the Theme name to zip and make sure the Theme package type is set to the Theme package. Click on Save.

  5. Click save and hit Ctrl+Shift+R or Ctrl+F5 to make sure the new theme package content is loaded. (If that does not work, clear the browser cache manually).

  6. The UI should now have a Telepo look and feel instead of the default Meridix theme.

    Note: The customer’s custom theme settings must be configured the same as the above example.


Configure the system by navigating to System administration → Application settings

  1. Define the System location (a descriptive name e.g. Telepo/Customer Reports) - This value will be used in initialization e-mails etc. to identify the system for end-users.

  2. Set the System public URL to the public/internal URI that the end-user will access the system through.

  3. Configure the SMTP server settings to use. Will be used for user initialization e-mails, report distribution, etc. (Check with the customer if they have SMTP server otherwise, use Meridix SMTP server settings)

  4. Verify that the security settings comply with the customer's policy (minimum password lengths etc.).

Enable the required module by navigation to System administration → Module settings


Expand the desired module section and check both the Loaded and Enabled checkboxes.


Click on Validate connection to check if the connection to the database is valid 


Check on Loaded and Enabled then save the changes.


Configure the feature set from System Administration>Feature Set> Add new set. We define two sets, Basic, and Advanced as below:


    Image Removed


The web application is now installed and configured.


Install meridix_studio_service downloaded in STEP 1   (drive):\meridix\dist\VERSION_AND_DATE_meridix_studio_service_setup.msi

  1. ((install it into the default directory specified in the MSI) and browse to the installation directory preferably next to the web application folder created in step 9.b.)

  2. Alternatively, you can unzip the into the meridixstudio_service created in step 8


Open the installation directory defined in the previous step and do the same configuration with the file NOT_SET.basic.config as described in step 13.b-c and add the same connection string as in step 13.c.IV. Note that some properties are not available in the non-web context.


Open the Meridix Studio Service Administration GUI from the start menu and start the windows service through the GUI or explore the meridixstudio_service folder and start Meridix.Studio.Service.Console.exe and type + Enter

  1. If it does not start successfully review the log files in the Logs folder under the installation directory.

  2. Create a scheduled task to run Studio.Service.Console.exe with arguments /send every 10 minutes.


The back-end service is now installed, configured and started. 
(It will load additional settings such as SMTP etc. from the same source as the web application).


Next step is to create the API ticket/credentials used to synchronize the catalog. 
Login into the Meridix Web UI and go to System Administration → System API Tickets

  1. Create a new API ticket called Telepo/Customer sync (or any other descriptive name)

  2. Check the admin rights checkbox under the newly created ticket and click save.

  3. The token and secret will be used in a later step.


Extract the (drive):\meridix\dist\ into the directory (drive):\meridix\Telepo_catalog_sync


Edit the file (drive):\meridix\Telepo_catalog_sync\CatalogSyncClient.exe.configwith a text editor.

  1. Set the telepo_base_url to the IP address of the management node.

  1. Set telepo_token and Telepo_secret to access the management node (provided by customer)

  2. Set the meridix:server_token to the token created in step 20.

  3. Set the meridix:server_secret to the secret created in step 20.

  4. Set the customer_name to a descriptive customer name e.g. Company X.

  5. Execute the (drive):\meridix\Telepo_catalog_sync\TelepoCatalogSyncClient.exe executable and verify that it runs successfully.

  6. Any errors are reported both in the console UI and in the subfolder Logs.

  7. After a successful execution log into the Meridix Web UI and verify that a new customer (tenant) is created and contains the users, agents, ACD defined in the Data DB.

  8. Schedule execution of the (drive):\meridix\Telepo_catalog_sync\TelepoCatalogSyncClient.exe with Windows built-in task scheduler with the interval(s) that the sync should be run (usually once every 24 hours). 


Add a System administrator user/s. (Ex.


Deactivate user


Under System Administration add property force_https and value True to enable https only. 


If the customer wishes to have a module name other than the default see article : Rebrand Modules to customer preferences


Confirm the time zone settings with the customer, if they are in different time zone than Sweden/Europe then you need to update property management and Sync config file accordingly.
Example: Marleycomms system must show in the GMT zone, the data and the organizations we import from Soluno are saved in Europe time zone so we configured the properties in the property management as the following:


Edit the sync application config file and add the following key:

Code Block
<add key="default_time_zone" value="GMT Standard Time"/>

The above key will update the customers to the GMT zone and the time zone list is available at


A Meridix Telepo system is now fully set up.


Add a monitor check (OP5 or Meridix monitor) for the newly created studio. 


Add the information for this customer to the System List and CRM.


Create a folder for this customer in Sharepoint under \Company - Dokument\Customers\ and save all related materials there. 


Inform the customer to provide us with the current version of MiCloud Telepo and to inform us as well as include us in the upgrading process.



The purpose of this article is to guide you through the installation of the Meridix system.

It's recommended to use the conventions below for consistency if possible.


Meridix Web Application, Meridix Studio Service, Meridix Backend services needs to be installed on a Windows Server 2012 or later with .NET Framework 4.5.2 installed o r later. The recommended minimum hardware is 4 CPU Cores and 8 GB RAM. The server needs to have network access to the Microsoft SQL Server-which hosts the system database and CDRs database.

Meridix Databases needs to be hosted on a Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or later (Express, Web, Standard or Enterprise edition).

The recommended hardware is 4 CPU Cores and 16 GB RAM for Microsoft SQL Server.

Install a new system

You need to decide the hosting servers (Web Server, Database Server, and Application Server) before you start with the following steps:

  1. Request Meridix Studio ( or MSI build, and from

Configuring the Web Server

  1. Make sure the content of the folders and are extracted to (drive):\meridix\dist\.

  2. On Web hosting server, Windows Server 2019 or earlier install Microsoft .NET 4.7 or later ( On Windows Server 2016 or later .NET 4.7+ is already installed.

  3. Install Internet Informations Service (IIS) with the Web Server (IIS) - Role 

    1. Make sure ASP.NET 4.5/4.6 Feature is installed. 

  4. Install IIS Web Deploy 3.5 or later (included in the (drive):\meridix\dist\ folder or

  5. Create a folder with the customer name and other two folders beneath the customer folder with the following names: meridixstudiomeridixstudio_service 

  6. Create an IIS Site (or reconfigure the default) 

    1. Set the site name to Meridix (can be named differently)

    2. Set the physical path to (drive):\customer folder\meridixstudio

    3. Bind it to port 80 (or any other port) and port 443 and assign the right SSL certificate. Mandatory to check on Require Server Name Indication if you have different SSL wildcards installed .

      Image AddedImage Added

    4. In the hostname section, you write the full domain name provided by the customer Ex. (you need to ask the customer to point the domain name to our web-hosting server) or add it as our subdomain Ex. (ask to add the domain name and server name in DNS portal) 

      Note : If the customer needs to add their own domain then always ask the customer point external domain eg to that points to or IP etc.

      So that we can move them to another server without them having to change their DNS.

  7. Unzip the file (drive):\meridix\dist\ into a folder on the server called (drive):\meridix\dist\_webdeploypackage.

  8. Create a BAT file (drive):\meridix\dist\deploy_webpackage.bat and edit it with a text editor (e.g. Notepad++/Notepad)

    1. Add the following command

      Code Block
      "F:\PATH_HERE\meridix_studio_webdeploy.deploy.cmd" /Y -enableRule:DoNotDeleteRule "-setParam:name='IIS Web Application Name',value='NAME_HERE'"
    2. Replace the placeholder PATH_HERE with the full rooted path to the (drive):\meridix\dist\_webdeploypackage folder created in the previous step.

    3. Replace the placeholder NAME_HERE with the IIS Site name (default: Meridix) created in step 6.a.

    4. Save the updated bat file.

  9. Execute the the bat file with administrator rights (right-click and click Run as administrator)

  10. Open the web application folder (defined in step 6.b)

    1. Rename the file basic.config to basic.config

    2. Open basic.config in a text editor and change the following settings :

      1. Change the connection string to target the meridix_sys database (created in step 1 under Configuring the Database server) using the SQL Server Authentication login (created in step 1.a. under Configuring the Database server)

        Code Block
        server=localhost;database=meridix_sys;integrated security=false;user id=meridix;password=meridix;
      2. Define a unique application id (Meridix.Studio.Application.Id) - Can be any value but should be system unique e.g. companyX.reporting etc.

      3. Set the desired module name (See available modules in the Appendix) as the value for the key Meridix.Studio.Enabled.Exchanges.

      4. Add another connection string to the Data DB  that should be used as the report data source.

      5. Code Block
        <add key="exchange.ModuleName.connectionstring" value="Server=SERVER,PORT; Database=DATABASE; Integrated security=False; User id=USER; Password=PASSWORD;" />
        Image Added
  11. Open a web browser and browse to the site created in step 6.

    1. The first time the application is started it might take a couple of minutes before it loads due to internal initialization operations, database schema updates, etc.

    2. If everything works as expected a login page will be loaded - Log in with the default credentials U: and P: ppn
      If you get an error message open the (drive):\meridix\webapp\App_Data\Logs folder under the web application folder and review the logs for more information about the error and contact if you have any questions.

  12. Once logged in the system must be custom branded which is achieved by applying the default theme package or customer-specific theme.

    1. Read more on custom themes in the following link:

      Branding and theming  

    2. Request the latest Telepo Theme from

    3. Upload the theme package to the website by navigating to system administration → Theme settings.

    4. Change the Theme name to zip and make sure the Theme package type is set to the Theme package. Click on Save.

    5. Click save and hit Ctrl+Shift+R or Ctrl+F5 to make sure the new theme package content is loaded. (If that does not work, clear the browser cache manually).

    6. The UI should now have a Telepo look and feel instead of the default Meridix theme.

      Note: The customer’s custom theme settings must be configured the same as the above example.

  13. Configure the system by navigating to System administration → Application settings

    1. Define the System location (a descriptive name e.g. Telepo/Customer Reports) - This value will be used in initialization e-mails etc. to identify the system for end-users.

    2. Set the System public URL to the public/internal URI that the end-user will access the system through.

    3. Configure the SMTP server settings to use. Will be used for user initialization e-mails, report distribution, etc. (Check with the customer if they have SMTP server otherwise, use Meridix SMTP server settings)

    4. Verify that the security settings comply with the customer's policy (minimum password lengths etc.).

  14. Enable the required module by navigation to System administration → Module settings

    1. Expand the desired module section and check both the Loaded and Enabled checkboxes.

    2. Click on Validate connection to check if the connection to the database is valid 

    3. Check on Loaded and Enabled then save the changes.

      Image Added
  15. Configure the feature set from System Administration>Feature Set> Add new set. We define two sets, Basic, and Advanced as below:


      Image Added
  16. The web application is now installed and configured.

  17. Install meridix_studio_service downloaded in STEP 1   (drive):\meridix\dist\VERSION_AND_DATE_meridix_studio_service_setup.msi

    1. ((install it into the default directory specified in the MSI) and browse to the installation directory preferably next to the web application folder created in step 6.b.)

    2. Alternatively, you can unzip the into the meridixstudio_service created in step 5

  18. Open the installation directory defined in the previous step and do the same configuration with the file NOT_SET.basic.config as described in step 10.b-c and add the same connection string as in step 10.c.IV. Note that some properties are not available in the non-web context.

  19. Open the Meridix Studio Service Administration GUI from the start menu and start the windows service through the GUI or explore the meridixstudio_service folder and start Meridix.Studio.Service.Console.exe and type + Enter

    1. If it does not start successfully review the log files in the Logs folder under the installation directory.

    2. Create a scheduled task to run Studio.Service.Console.exe with arguments /send every 10 minutes.

  20. The back-end service is now installed, configured and started. 
    (It will load additional settings such as SMTP etc. from the same source as the web application).

  21. Next step is to create the API ticket/credentials used to synchronize the catalog. 
    Login into the Meridix Web UI and go to System Administration → System API Tickets

    1. Create a new API ticket called Telepo/Customer sync (or any other descriptive name)

    2. Check the admin rights checkbox under the newly created ticket and click save.

    3. The token and secret will be used in a later step.

  22. Extract the (drive):\meridix\dist\ into the directory (drive):\meridix\Telepo_catalog_sync

  23. Edit the file (drive):\meridix\Telepo_catalog_sync\CatalogSyncClient.exe.configwith a text editor.

    1. Set the telepo_base_url to the IP address of the management node.

    1. Set telepo_token and Telepo_secret to access the management node (provided by customer)

    2. Set the meridix:server_token to the token created in step 21.

    3. Set the meridix:server_secret to the secret created in step 21.

    4. Set the customer_name to a descriptive customer name e.g. Company X.

    5. Execute the (drive):\meridix\Telepo_catalog_sync\TelepoCatalogSyncClient.exe executable and verify that it runs successfully.

    6. Any errors are reported both in the console UI and in the subfolder Logs.

    7. After a successful execution log into the Meridix Web UI and verify that a new customer (tenant) is created and contains the users, agents, ACD defined in the Data DB.

    8. Schedule execution of the (drive):\meridix\Telepo_catalog_sync\TelepoCatalogSyncClient.exe with Windows built-in task scheduler with the interval(s) that the sync should be run (usually once every 24 hours). 

  24. Add a System administrator user/s. (Ex.

  25. Deactivate user

  26. Under System Administration add property force_https and value True to enable https only. 

  27. If the customer wishes to have a module name other than the default see article : Rebrand Modules to customer preferences

  28. Confirm the time zone settings with the customer, if they are in different time zone than Sweden/Europe then you need to update property management and Sync config file accordingly.
    Example: Marleycomms system must show in the GMT zone, the data and the organizations we import from Soluno are saved in Europe time zone so we configured the properties in the property management as the following:

    Image Added

    Edit the sync application config file and add the following key:

    Code Block
    <add key="default_time_zone" value="GMT Standard Time"/>

    The above key will update the customers to the GMT zone and the time zone list is available at

  29. A Meridix Telepo system is now fully set up.

  30. Add a monitor check (OP5 or Meridix monitor) for the newly created studio. 

  31. Add the information for this customer to the System List and CRM.

  32. Create a folder for this customer in Sharepoint under \Company - Dokument\Customers\ and save all related materials there. 

  33. Inform the customer to provide us with the current version of MiCloud Telepo and to inform us as well as include us in the upgrading process.

Configuring the Database Server

  1. Create an empty database named meridix_sys on the MSSQL server that should host the MXSDB (Meridix Studio Database).

    1. Create a SQL Server Authentication login and user with db_owner rights on the meridix_studio database. If it is an Azure Database then check the Appendix on how to create the user for Azure SQL Database. Ask under which database pool/ database server will host this database.

      Note: The password for database users should not include the following characters: (<, >,&,",')

  2. Request meridix_data.dacpac master version from

    1. Create an empty database named meridix_data on the MSSQL server that should host MXDDB.

    2. Meridix_data> tasks> Register as data-tier application

    3. Meridix_data database > tasks > Upgrade Data-tier application > meridix_data.dacpac

    4. Create a SQL Server Authentication login and user with db_owner rights on the meridix_data database.

Configuring the Application Server

  1. Follow the guide on Meridix Import Service setup To configure the application server.

Upgrade an existing system

This section describes how to upgrade an existing system installed using the steps described in the section Install a new system (above).

  1. Backup the current system files. 

  2. Retrieve the latest release from Meridix.

  3. If there is a text file called upgrade_instructions.txt (or. md) in the release_DATE_HERE follow any custom instructions in that document (it has precedence over this content)

  4. Unzip the file (drive):\meridix\dist\ into a folder on the server called (drive):\meridix\dist_webdeploypackage replacing any existing files in the target folder.

  5. Execute the the (drive):\meridix\dist\deploy_webpackage.bat file with administrator rights (right click and click Run as administrator).

  6. Open a web browser and browse to the Meridix login page.

    1. The first time the application is started after an update it might take a couple of minutes before it loads due to internal initialization operations, database schema updates, etc.

    2. If everything works as expected a login page will be loaded - Log in with the default credentials U: and P: ppnIf you get an error message open the (drive):\meridix\webapp\App_Data\Logs folder under the web application folder and review the logs for more information about the error.

  7. Unzip the file into the folder called Customer\meridixstudio_service.

  8. Check Meridix studio if the studio service is running.

  9. Update Meridix version for this customer in System List, and a monitor check (OP5 or Meridix monitor) if not exist.

  10. The system is now updated.

  11. Inform the customer about the fixed bugs or newly added features when it is relevant. 


  • Connect to your Azure SQL Database server with SSMS as an admin in Master.

  • Create a SQL authentication login called ‘XXX_studio’ with a password,
