The custom themes should be created in the defined structure (its recommended to use the default theme as a template) and depending on the custom theme location zipped (GZIP) into a compressed file with the name ThemeName.zip where ThemeName is the name of the Theme.
Info |
During creation of a new theme it can be beneficial to disable the following resource features; minification, client caching and gzipping the content before sending to clients. This can be done by naming the theme (zip file or folder) with the following suffixes.
This will prevent Meridix Studio from using performance optimzation features during development of a new theme. Should not be set on a production theme since it bypasses several optimization features. |
Custom theme location options
The theme folder (not zipped) should be available to the Meridix server on a public accessible URL where each individual resouce can be accessed with the uri [ThemeUri]/[ThemeResourceRelativePath] ex: http://cdn.mycompany.com/Themes/CustomTheme/css/base.css where the http://cdn.mycompany.com/Themes is the ThemeUri part and CustomTheme is ThemeName and css/base.css is the ThemeResourceRelativePath.
In this case each time a resource is requested by the Meridix UI the system loads the resource from ThemeUri/ThemeName URL internally and the caches the resource for future requests.
This way is only recommended during developent because it requiers the Meridix installation to make several HTTP requests to get the theme content. But its the easiest way to design new themes since you can change the content on server controlled by you and they will be used by the Meridix installation.
Note |
Should not be in a production environment since it forces the server to make several HTTP requests to get the resources. So when you have used this method during the design phase compress the folder to a zip file solution |
Configure Meridix Studio to use a custom theme
Theme name
The name of the theme if not set or an empty theme is defined it will use the Default theme. (Default = "Default"). This value is case sensitive.
Theme base URL
The base URL location of the theme [folder/zip-file]. This URL have to be accessible by the Meridix studio server through HTTP(s). Ex: http://mycompany.com/meridixthemes/
Theme package type
Zipfile = The theme content is zipped
Folder = The theme content is available as a folder/directory structure
Theme uriserver cache duration
The base URL location of the theme [folder/zip-file]. This URL have to be accessible by the Meridix studio server through HTTP(s).number of seconds that the server caches the theme resource before going to the source (external http url). This value can be set to small (ex: 2 seconds) during the design phase to prevent stale data being sent to the client. Default value is 7200 seconds.
Theme client cache duration
The number of seconds that the clients are requested to cache the theme resource before going to the source (external http url). This value can be set to small (ex: 2 seconds) during the design phase to prevent stale data being used by the client. Default value is 7200 seconds.
Disable minification
The system minifies css and javascript files by default. This setting allows you to disable this feature.
Disable Gzip compression
The system gzip compress all resources before sending them to the clients. This setting allows you to disable this feature.
So if your custom theme is located on the publicly available URL http://mycompany.com/meridixthemes/customtheme1/ the Theme name should be custometheme1 and the Theme base URL should be http://mycompany.com/meridixthemes/
Info |
When you have changed the theme settings you need to logout of the system before you can see your changes. Depending on the theme name (.noclientcache etc) the old theme resources can be cached both locally or on the server for a while. You may also need to clear your browser cache to force a new GET request for previously cached resources. |
Theme resource structure
The folder (zip file) should be structured as below: