Info |
When you have changed the theme settings you may need to logout of the system before you can see your changes. Depending on the previous theme settings (cache durations) the old theme resources can be cached both locally or on the server for a while. You may also need to clear your browser cache to force a new GET request for previously cached resources. |
Theme resources
The theme resource handler (Theme.ashx)
All themable resources that are loaded in Meridix Studio is loaded through a resource URL that is independent of the physical location of the resource. Any predifined and custom resources are loaded based on their relative location within the package e.g. an image named logo.gif in a folder named logotypes would have the relative path logotypes/logo.gif and to access this resource through the Theme provider you would need to specify the following URL Theme.ashx?logotypes/logo.gif to access this resource.
URLs containg the Theme.ashx handler is treated specially by the system so you can always call is as a local resource from your current path, so if you are working on the page /Root/Sub/Sub/Page the Theme.ashx can be called as it were present at /Root/Sub/Sub/Page/Theme.ashx.
The theme resource handler also handles caching (both client and server side) with both an Etag header aswell as an expires header based on the settings definied in Meridix Studio. It also takes care of minification of css and javascript files so you do not need to minify them in your theme package, and all resources are Gzip compressed if the request contains the header Accept-Encoding with gzip defined (this feature can be disabled).
Package structure
The theme package (zip file or folder) should be structured as below:
This is the main CSS file that is included on every page.
This CSS file is included on the login page and can be used to customize the login user interface. Unlike the other pages in the system this page is fully customizable and all layout css is included in this file.