dHere you can find some work-hacks that will make your work easier when using the Meridix Platform. We have gathered some of our most valuable work-hacks, to make it easier for you to move around in the system or to present it for your customers. We hope this will be as valuable to you as it is for us. Enjoy!
Shortcuts in Dashboard
Multiple filter strings
The filter support multiple filters strings separated by commas (,). It can also negate i.e. not include filter matches by prefixing the term with an exclamation mark (!). Previously checked items will always be visible so it’s easy to do multiple filters for a single selection. Enkelt söka bland hierarkiska grupper (olika nivåer)
Here all matches for ”filip”, ”henrik” and ”wendel” but without any results that contain”lars” (Lars Wendelstam).
Nael does not match the filter but was previously selected and will therefor be shown.
What You See Is What You Get! This is not really a work-hack, but it's an update we know all of you have been waiting for: From the January release (2020) of Meridix, our Excel exports will contain all charts that are presented in the web user interface.
Copy a saved report
Admin can log in as a user
Administrators can log in as another user directly in the system, without needing to know the user's password. This is very useful and convenient when helping a user or if you want to see how a user will experience the system with his/her current settings.
In addition to logging in as the selected user you can also lock out the user from the system or re-send the initialization email if the user has forgotten his/her credentials.
Psst! If you've found out a shortcut of your own or if you have some questions about the ones presented above - don’t hesitate in contacting us!