Using Meridix.Aastra.TrfCommandSender.exe to download TRF data manually

Using Meridix.Aastra.TrfCommandSender.exe to download TRF data manually

To manually download histotic TRF data from MXOne or MD110 with the Meridix Aastra TRF Command Sender open the commandline and navigate to the installaton directory for Aastra Communication TRF Command Sender (usually c:/Program Files (x86)/Meridix Systems/Aastra Communication/TRF Command Sender) .

Execute the following command  Meridix.Aastra.TrfCommandSender.exe manual 2013-01-01 2013-01-31 where the argument are manual (start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD) (end data in the format YYYY-MM-DD).
The exe file uses the spec.xml to get the server, username, menos etc. and download all menos from the start date to the end date specificed at the command line.
The result is saved in files in the same directory as the .exe file with the name meno-no_from-date_to-date.manual.manual_export.txt. There will be one file created per meno and date combination.


 If you run the .exe file without any parameters the current date is used and the result is saved to the location specified in the spec.xml file

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