Group by measurement points

So far the only report grouping we have used is the Total grouping that accumulates all the selected measurement objects for each period. For example, 07:00 contains the values for all measurement objects during that period.

With Meridix Studio you can as well as changing the interval groping, change the report grouping (i.e. how the result is grouped). Before starting to use the different groupings we recommend that you read the section about groupings.
To change the grouping to measurement object, go to the Parameter tab and change the Grouping to measurement objects.

 After that you check all the measurement objects you want to view. (See the image below) 

Above the available measurement objects and groups you can see what groupings are currently selected.
When you have chosen the desired grouping and checked the measurement objects, click on the Execute button to create the report and the result will look like the following image.

In this mode you can, just as when the report were grouped by Total, always change the interval grouping by changing the selection under the Grouping tab.

When selecting for example weekdays, the report contains one row for each measurement object and weekday. This order is the same for all interval groupings.

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