Add a user

To add a new user to the system click on the Add new user link at the top and you will be redirected to the user administration. 

Here you define all the user preferences and all these settings are described within the system by the built in help.
After you have supplied the settings for the user account, it is time to grant access to the collection points, groups and measurement objects that the user should be able to use.

Before you select which groups and measurement objects a user should have access to you need to select at least one collection point that the user should be allowed to see. You cannot add a measurement object to a user if the user has not been assigned the collection point to which the measurement object belongs.

By selecting in the left list and clicking on the green arrow pointing to the right you move the selection to the right box, which is the list of the currently selected measurement objects.

When you are satisfied with you selection, click on the Save new button at the bottom of the page. You may need to scroll down to see it depending on your screen resolution.

You have now created a new user that can log into the system and create reports on the measurement objects and groups that has been granted to the account.

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