Meridix audit logs

Meridix audit logs


The audit logs are stored as text files on the server in the folder <Logs>/Audit/<date>.[system].audit.log in the following line format. Not that each line is not a valid JSON object.

 [Date and Timestamp]|[JSON OBJECT]


	"PerformedByContext":"IIS Web Application",
	"Details":"Specification type: CallSpecificationRecord",
	"RequestUrl":"/Reports/Specification "


AuditDateTimeThe time stamp
PerformedByThe username of the current user
PerformedByIpThe IP number of the client if any
PerformedByContextInfo about the execution context, for example if the operation was performed by the web application, back end service, CLI client etc.
EntityFullNameThe full name of the entity type associated if any. e.g. Meridix.Studio.Common.MeasurementObject
OperationTypeThe type of operation that generated the audit log

MeasurementObject (name of the object affected should be combined with the audit type e.g. MeasurementObject Updated etc.)
EntityIdentifierThe domain id of the entity (e.g. user/object) related to the audit log.
This field ties an operation to a actual user/object/customer etc.
EntityStorageIdThe database id of the entity (e.g. user/object) related to the audit log.
This field ties an operation to a actual user/object/customer etc.
DetailsCustom unstructured message that contains information about the operation e.g. what measurement objects that was included in a report etc.

List updated propertied including pre and post values.

Multiple values delimited with ;

Description:[Lars=>Lars W]

RequestUrl                                  The URL of the request that resulted in the audit log if any. For example if a operation is executed when a user is on the start page the value would be /Start etc.
Allows simple tracking of what pages an user used to set the application in a given state. Can be empty/null.


2017-12-04 12:22:18.3443|{"AuditDateTime":"2017-12-04T12:22:18.3443557+01:00","PerformedBy":"admin@meridix.se","PerformedByIp":"","PerformedByContext":"IIS Web Application","AuditType":"Allowed","EntityFullName":null,"OperationType":"ReportExecution","EntityIdentifier":null,"EntityStorageId":0,"Details":"Created a 'BcsUserId' report for the period '2017-11-27 00:00:00Z'->'2017-12-04 00:00:00Z' on 'johan.wendelstam@480'","ChangedProperties":null,"RequestUrl":""}

2017-12-04 12:22:25.3643|{"AuditDateTime":"2017-12-04T12:22:25.3788728+01:00","PerformedBy":"admin@meridix.se","PerformedByIp":"::1","PerformedByContext":"IIS Web Application","AuditType":"Allowed","EntityFullName":null,"OperationType":"OpenSpecification","EntityIdentifier":null,"EntityStorageId":0,"Details":"Specification type: CallSpecificationRecord","ChangedProperties":null,"RequestUrl":"/Reports/Specification?ref=%2fReports%2fAdvanced%3fmc%3dTelepoBcs%26m%3dBcsCdrV2%26bfm%3dtrue&stn=Meridix.Studio.Common.CallSpecificationRecord"}

2017-12-06 07:56:51.0661|{"AuditDateTime":"2017-12-06T07:56:51.0711703+01:00","PerformedBy":"admin@meridix.se","PerformedByIp":"::1","PerformedByContext":"IIS Web Application","AuditType":"Update","EntityFullName":"Meridix.Studio.Common.MeasurementObject","OperationType":"MeasurementObject","EntityIdentifier":"lars.wendelstam@480#Meridix.se","EntityStorageId":209331,"Details":null,"ChangedProperties":"Description:[Lars=>Lars W]","RequestUrl":"/Admin/Subscribers"}

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Email: support@meridix.se
Tel: +46 (0) 21 38 30 32