5.4.1 - May 2023
Dstny Analytics (Meridix) platform - Version 5.4.1
New or modified functionality
Show "last saved" on dashboard list (AN-468)
The Dashboard catalogue now sort by name as default and it is possible to sort by last saved date. It is also shown if the Dashboard is expanded.
API - Add embeddable endpoint that returns a model of embeddables that can be used in portal integrations (AN-630)
The configuration of the embeddable model can be set by properties. They are all marked with the tag embeddable. API updates:
A new API is introduced to get an embeddable model from the platform. The embeddable model contains links to items that can be embedded in iframes and their names. It also contains links to different parts of the system.Added API
GET /api/embeddable/user
Broadworks - Add views for module simular as for other modules (AN-74)
New Views
User ID View
Queue View
IVR View
New Widgets - Queue
Incoming answered average queue time
The average time incoming answered calls had to spend in the queue.
Incoming answered per day
The number of incoming calls that were answered per day
Incoming overall longest queue time
The longest time anyone had to wait in the queue. This includes both answered and unanswered.
Telavox - Agent number column added to user call specification (AN-494)
The user id call specifications now have an added column User number that shows the agents number.
Platform - The claim view all feature sets should be removed (AN-577)
Reseller managers and Systems managers no longer see all features automatically. They will now see the features according to the feature set of the customer context they are on.
Platform - The used feature set should be based on customer context not customer of user (AN-99)
The feature set used is now on the customer context the user is on and not the customer the user belongs to.
Telavox - Omni channel support in reports (AN-125)
There is now a new report for Telavox showing Omni-channel data. If the queues support it it will show emails, chat and social media statistics.
Telavox - Ability to see transport calls (AN-438)
The Telavox reports now have some new columns and information in specification making it possible to see where calls come from and where they are distributed to. Mostly IVR report and Qeueue report have been modified to have added columns.
UCaaS Theme - Views - Same menu as in connect me (AN-535)
The Dstny Theme has been updated to align the menu with Connect Me.
Microsoft Teams - Direct routing support (AN-12)
UI - To be able to see Saved Report name in logs (AN-629)
Resolved issues
Televox - OutOfMemory exception on large call sequenses (~200 - 14k record legs) (AN-752)
Live Wallboard - Properties for D4SP Core Live, improved security (AN-666)
It is now possible to mark a property in external-widgets config as secure to hide the value in the UI.
The show secret dialog from the API ticket list is broken (AN-627)
Fixed a bug where the show secret dialog from the API ticket list didn’t work.
Platform - Taking too long during login when system has large number of customers, causes
time out exceptions (AN-622)
Fixed a bug where the startup of a system caused a time out exception on systems with many customers.
Dashboard - D4SP Core "One queue" has duplicate widgets (AN-607)
The One queue predefined Dashboard now have the correct widgets configured.
D4SP Core Live Wallboard - Incoming calls bar chart should default to standard work hours (AN-541)
The default time settings for D4SP Core Live wallboard reports widgets have changed from 06:00-18:00 instead of 00:00-24:00. It can still be configured on each widgets after creation.
D4SP Core - missing calls in huntgroup report (AN-521)
Fixed a bug where some hunt groups calls were not shown as unanswered calls but excluded.
UI - Reseller page in mobile view is not good (AN-300)
Reseller edit page and list have improved mobile view.
Platform - Basic.config edits (AN-590)
The template for basic.config is now correct.
UI - Error pages have XSS vunerability from URL Referrer (AN-770)
Broadworks - Group report error - Length cannot be less than zero (AN-973)
Non standard formated localCallIds field in the CDR caused error in the report.
Views - IVR - all objects has same count (AN-765)
UI - Views - Dynamic columns are fetched from total in table block (AN-757)
Invalid mapping for the table block in Views i.e. loading from the wrong source rows in the source report.
Log in as users feature requires password change if password is expired. (AN-755)
Bypass this behaviour to prevent request for password change if an administrator log in as a selected user.
Televox - OutOfMemory exception on large call sequenses (~200 - 14k record legs) (AN-752)
Telavox - Stack overflow bug due to recursion bug (AN-747)
UI - 'My Dashboard' missing default dashboard does not load (AN-745)
UI - Views - Table block has scrollbar in Firefox (AN-744)
Platform - text doesn't fit button on forgot password page (AN-733)
Telavox - Some files cannot be imported, times out (AN-729)
Platform - Reseller cannot see all customers under the reseller in Event Logs (AN-726)
Teams - Check that validate access through microsoft hubs should be disabled in Debug (AN-721)
UI - Connection graph back link not working (AN-715)
Zylinc - Reason code missing in agent status widget (AN-696)
D4SP Core - Auto Attendant groups are missing from Organization report (AN-587)
Database - Analytics master build dacpac can not be used as intended (AN-546)
Platform - Chart error when a ' is part of the description (AN-365)
Related content
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Email: support@meridix.se
Tel: +46 (0) 21 38 30 32