Get started with Dashboard

Get started with Dashboard


What Dashboard is and how it is used


A Dashboard presents an overview of selected statistics from different data sources in one place. With access to information from one or more different platforms, you choose what data to present and how it should be presented. It's easy to create a view that is tailored to your business and use cases. The dashboard helps you get a quick look at your statistics, without having to open the reports. It is updated automatically and available via computers, TV-monitor, mobile, and tablets.

Since it is possible to design the Dashboard according to your own needs with different statistics data, appearance settings, media files, and more, it has many different use cases.
You can read about some examples here: Use cases for end-users

Get started with Dashboard

1. Create a Dashboard

To start the Dashboard feature, go to Dashboard shortcuts in the startpage or Dashboard section in the main menu.

  1. Select My Dashboard if you already have a Dashboard that is set as My Dashboard

  2. Select Create to create a new Dashboard

  3. To see all available Dashboards, select Dashboard list. From the Dashboard list view you can also create a new Dashboard or copy an existing one.




2. Build your Dashboard with content

When creating a new Dashboard, there are templates and predefined Dashboards to choose from to get started quickly. You can also create a new, empty dashboard to start from scratch.

New! A quick start with Dashboard wizard

Under Templates, you can choose to create a Dashboard with empty widgets in different layouts. This is a way to start with structuring the Dashboard and add the content in a later stage. You can also choose a background or set it to dark mode.

Here you can also choose to create predefined Dashboards with relevant data from different modules in the system. There are only a few predefined dashboards to choose from today, but more will be added. These Dashboards are based on the feature “Views” and data presented here. This is a way to get up and running with a complete Dashboard in no time.


As an example, predefined Dashboards for Microsoft Teams present an overview of all meetings and calls for all users in Microsoft Teams. You can only select the time period in this view:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Current Week

  • Last seven days

  • Last thirty days


Add widgets to an empty Dashboard

When you start from an empty Dashboard there are still layouts to choose from and shortcuts to help you get started, or you can choose to add one widget at a time. For example, by clicking 2 x 3, a Dashboard will be created with two rows containing three widgets each. The dashboard can also be configured by removing or adding widgets and rows later on.



Regardless if you start from scratch, with widgets in a special layout, or predefined Dashboards with data - you can always modify the Dashboard once you are in the Dashboard view. Add or delete data, change its design, change time or measurement objects in a widget, or whatever suits your needs and use cases.

2.1 Add content to your widget

Depending on the use case of ​​your Dashboard, you can select content and design it according to your needs.

  1. Select Add Content to create a new widget with content for your dashboard. If there is an empty widget in your Dashboard, you can also select "add content here" to fill the selected widget with content.

  2. You can create a widget with content from any of the platforms you get statistics from but also from external sources and Live data, depending what is available at your system.

  3. Images, videos, and icons can be added to your Dashboard, as well as any Iframe content. See the many opportunities to bring extra content to your Dashboard by selecting Simple or Advanced under ”other content” when selecting widget type.




2.2 Configure widget

Once you selected the widget type, you configure the content and settings of your selected widget. Depending on the widget type, the configuration mode looks different. You can also access the configuration mode after you created a widget.

  1. Click the gear in the upper right corner of an existing widget to open the configuration mode for the selected widget

  2. Under Widget option, enter the value for your widget

  3. Under Appearance options, you can change the background and text color of the widget. You can also set the opacity for both of them.

  4. For some widgets, you can set Warning options to set limit values ​​that generate alerts when a value is above or below a certain limit. This function can be used, for example, if you want a warning when the queue time for a queue is too long, or if the number of queues is too high, etc.


2.3 Delete a widget

To remove a widget, click on the trash can in the upper right corner of the widget. If you are in the edit mode of the Dashboard, you can select a widget and then select Remove in the toolbar

3. Edit mode

In Edit mode, you can change the size and position of your widgets. By selecting the pen in the right corner of a widget or selecting Edit content at the top of the Dashboard menu, you will be taken to the edit mode of the Dashboard.

  • To move a widget: Select the widget you want to resize or position. Click and hold in the center of the widget and drag to the desired location

  • The icons in the lower right corner of the widget are used to resize the widget. Select one of the icon and drag it to resize.

  • The three circles between the widget rows are used to add a new row. After a new row is created, a widget can be placed in the empty row. If the row is left empty, a vertical distance of 10px is created between the two widget rows.

  • The toolbar at the bottom of the editing mode is used to move a widget forward or backward, copy the size from another widget, and remove or replace the widget, among other things.

  • To place your widgets freely, select Free placement. Note that the Dashboard will not be responsive for a smaller or larger screen if you select the Free placement mode.


4. Design your dashboard

With its flexible structure, you can design your Dashboard as you like. Add your company logo, your colors, a commercial video, or other elements and images to create a Dashboard with your company profile.

To change the background of the entire Dashboard:

  1. From the top menu, select Options

  2. Go to Appearance settings. Here you can choose a background color or upload an image to use as a background. You can also choose one of the available stock images (where service providers also can add images). After uploading the image, you can adjust its size, placement, and opacity of it.

To design your widgets, see Chapter 2.2 Configuring a Widget. You can also create simple widgets with content such as pictures, a watch, Iframe content, or a Youtube movie to further raise your company profile.

5. Shared Dashboards

You can share Dashboards within the organization. Click Share on a Dashboard in the Dashboard list to open the sharing options. Other users will be able to see the shared Dashboard under Public Dashboards. Users will still only be able to see data from measurement objects to which they have access.


Create a public link to Dashboard

It is also possible to create a public Dashboard link to view the Dashboard without being logged in to the system. Go to Dashboard Options and click the Sharing tab to find the function.



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