

Each report in the Dstny Analytics Platform has a number of visualizations designed to provide interesting analysis and insights about the data. Each visualization aims to view the data in a particular way and aid in the analysis of the data.

Composition sets

Some values in the reports are a composition of other values. As an example, total incoming is often the sum of incoming from external and internal.

The composition set visualization is designed to show these sets and the distribution within a composition.

Requires: Result grouping → Total



The heatmap visualization is designed to identify patterns or time periods that stand out. Each day is represented with a colored rectangle where the color shows the value compared to the minimum and maximum value of the whole period.

If the Result grouping is set to something other than Total each measurement object or group will be represented as one row. This makes it possible to compare objects over time as well as view progress or change.

Requires: Time period of at least seven days


Data distribution analyzer

All the average values in the reports are calculated from a large set. In order to evaluate how representative an average value is the data distribution analyzer can be used. With both a box plot and a line graph the minimum, maximum, median, and quartile values are represented. With this visualization, it is easier to identify time periods where the average value does or does not give a good representation of the actual values.



In the timeline visualization, each separate call or event is plotted based on the time it occurred. It is also possible to draw a line for the mean and other statistical measurements for each day.

The timeline visualization provides a graphical way to view the specifications.

Requires a report that has a specification


Column analyzer

The column comparer draws an area graph for each column value. It is possible to set a reference column drawing it as a line in each other column graph. It is used to identify correlations between values and to check the reason behind different values. As an example “Did the speed of answer increase because we had a lot more incoming calls or because we had more difficult calls that required a longer duration?”

Requires: Result grouping → Total


Top lists

The top lists are a simple visualization that lists objects or groups depending on the value of the selected columns. It can easily identify high or low performing groups or objects as well as comparing different groups or objects with each other.

Requires: Result grouping → Groups, Objects or Groups, and objects


Dynamic columns

Depending on the report there might be dynamic columns. The dynamic column visualization is used to show this data. The use cases depend on the report and column.

Requires: A report that has dynamic columns defined and that the Result grouping → Groups or Objects


Radar chart

The radar chart visualization is designed to compare groups or object over a set of values. Up to five different column values can be selected and each column value will be represented as a cone for each group or object.

Requires: Result grouping → Groups or Objects


Bubble chart

The bubble chart visualization is designed to compare groups or objects. Three different columns can be selected to compare. Each group or object will be represented as a bubble where the size is determined by one column value. Then the x- and y-axis can be set to other column values. Besides comparing groups this visualization can be used to identify correlations between different columns.

Requires: Result grouping → Groups or Objects



The sunburst visualization is designed to provide an overview of groups and objects as well as their significance in the organization. The reference column set defines what value that will be used to draw the proportion of each group or object within a specific group. Use it to get a quick overview of your organization and what parts that handle the communication.

Requires: Result grouping → Groups, Objects or Groups, and objects


Flow diagram

In some reports, it is possible to view a flow. Maybe a call comes to exchange to an IVR and forward to a queue and is lastly answered by an agent. That flow can be represented in a flow diagram showing how many events passed to and from a specific part of the system.

Only available on some reports


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